Dr. Silvia Abel-Caines is a veterinarian, specialized in ruminant nutrition. She’s worked in the agriculture industry for over 30 years with conventional and organic farmers and is currently Organic Valley’s staff Ruminant Nutritionist. She uses a whole-farm approach, connecting soil mineralization, forage quality, and herd’s health. She draws from her experience working with farmers that have been adopting regenerative agriculture practices and are implementing climate smart production methods. She is a strong supporter of the cooperative model for rural and urban economic development.
Dr. Silvia is also the farmer-owner of The Garlic eScape Farm, a certified-organic forest farm in Northwest Illinois where she grows specialty garlic varieties and pasture a small flock of sheep. She serves on the board of the National Farm to School Foundation (NFSN) and the Organic Material Review Industry (OMRI), and travels around the world as a volunteer with USAID, NCBA, CRS Farmer-to-Farmer and Train-The-Trainer programs.
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